Shipping & Returns


If you have any issues with your order when you receive it, please contact us immediately by phone or text at 507-534-1247, or by email at, and we will correct any problems. No returns after 30 days. If you have any questions, please call or text 507-534-1247.


We ship worldwide. Our preferred shipper based on reasonable times and rates is USPS. If you prefer a different shipper, please call us at 507-534-1247 BEFORE ordering.

Shipping costs are based on weight, and it is as accurate as possible, however, if you get to checkout and the shipping cost seems unreasonable, please call us at 507-534-1247 BEFORE you finish the checkout process. We can give you the exact shipping cost over the phone. Most non-prescription orders ship within 24 hours of ordering. Prescription orders typically ship from here in 1-2 weeks. If any item is out of stock, we will immediately contact you. If you have any questions, please call or text to 507-534-1247.


1-4 oz = $5 (First Class)
5-10 oz = $6 (First Class)
11-13 oz = $7 (First Class)
14oz and more = $15 (USPS Priority Mail)


1-8 oz = $15 (First Class)
9-14 oz = $22 (First Class)
15 oz and more = $55 (USPS Express Mail)


1-8 oz = $20 (Int'l First Class)
9-14 oz = $30 (Int'l First Class)
15 oz and more = $75 (USPS Express Mail Service)